Family First is a North Texas Assemblies of God with first priority of serving NTAG churches. In addition to partnering with NTAG, Family First maintains an ecumenical approach to ministry and collaborates with churches and faith based organizations outside the Assemblies of God in order to meet the needs of children who are marginalized, at-risk, or currently in the child welfare system.
On any given day there are approximately 30,000 children in the Texas foster care system. Family First is dedicated to increasing the involvement of the local church in caring for these children and their families.
As the church becomes aware of the need, Family First equips the church to respond through church leadership training and programs.
As the church responds to the need, they will play a vital role from prevention to permanency. Family First will continue to support the church as their ministry to children and families grow.
Here at Family First we are committed to assisting churches in launching Orphan Care Ministries and walking alongside members in the foster licensing and adoption processes.
These processes vary based on the agency partner and their specific requirements. Family First has cultivated relationships with Child Placement Agencies (CPA) and is dedicated to connecting churches to the CPA in their region and come alongside in training and relationship building. If you are interested in becoming a foster parent or receiving more information about adoption, click below to fill out an interest form and get in touch with our team.
Family First wants to equip you to protect the unprotected. It is our desire to help churches with training families who desire to foster and adopt. Because of our partnership with A World For Children, we are able to provide church families with the necessary training that will meet the State’s requirements for this process. We also understand that not every family is called to foster and adopt, but every church can provide the wraparound support needed in areas such as respite care (babysitting) and proper care. Family First and A World For Children wants to equip you to help in those areas as well. To find out more about how you can schedule an A World For Children orientation for your church, feel free to contact your regional pastoral representative or the Family First office.
Family First provides specific training to assist foster parents in adequately caring for and resourcing their foster teen. This training covers college admission processes, financial assistant programs and applications, de-escalation training, and the driver’s education training process.
Support Foster Youth Who Are Aging Out
Every year in the state of Texas 1,500 or more youth age-out of the Texas foster care system, many without families or any semblance of a support system to help adequately transition them into adulthood. Consequently, 50% of these youth will be homeless and will enter into drug, alcohol, and/or sex addictions before their eighteenth birthday. This issue is a growing problem and is seen most evidently in the simple fact that the state prison systems of America base their future inmate population from the number of youth that age out of the foster care system.
Family First is committed to helping these young people so they can successfully transition into adulthood with bright futures full of opportunities. Visit Phased In for more information and resources to support Foster youth.*
*Phased in is an approved Missions Project for the North Texas Assemblies of God.
Data & Statistics
Child Protective Services (CPS) investigates reports of child abuse and neglect to protect children from harm. CPS works to strengthen and stabilize families so that they can safely care for their children at home. When that is not possible, CPS works with the courts and communities to find permanent homes or other places for children to live. Click below to lean more.
Support Adopted, Foster, and Homeless Families
SWAGG is a family-focused ministry that shares the love of God and serves our community by helping to establish normalcy in children’s lives. SWAGG has successfully served over 9,000 foster and homeless children since 2015.
Ministry for Families
Buckner International is a ministry dedicated to the transformation and restoration of the lives we serve. We are a Christ-centered organization that delivers redemptive ministry to the most vulnerable from the beginning to the ending of life. We are moved to minister in ways that provide positive, lasting outcomes – not just for a moment, but for a lifetime.
Support for Families
2INgage partners with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services to offer case management, foster care placement, and support services to children and youth in Region 2, a 30-county area that includes Abilene and Wichita Falls. 2INgage serves as the Single Source Continuum Contractor for foster care and support services, while also providing case management services through Stage II of Community-Based Care.
Fostering Homes for Children
The children enter the doors of A World For Children foster homes with terror, uncertainty, physical scars, and emotional trauma. A World For Children’s foster parents, along with the 24-hour support of A World For Children’s staff, spend every day changing uncertainty into undying stability, mending physical injuries, and providing in-depth treatment for emotional trauma.
Join us for the 9th annual Stand Sunday Celebration & Richard W. Dubose Golf Tournament benefiting Family First.
Come celebrate with us all God has accomplished and to hear the vision for the future!
September 28-29, 2025
Location: TBD
There are over 30,000 children in the Texas Foster Care System waiting for the Church to stand! STAND Sunday is an opportunity for you to partner with Family First to cast the vision of orphan care to your congregation. Our team is available to come and be a part of this special day to equip your church families to protect the unprotected. For more information on how to schedule a Stand Sunday for your church, contact the Family First office.
Acting Director
Orphan Care Ambassador
Administrative Assistant
AWFC Representative
Central Rep (DFW)
Northeast Rep
North Central Rep
Southeast Rep
Spanish Rep
Southern West Rep
South Central Rep
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TX 75168-0838
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HOURS 9:00AM - 4:00PM | Mon-Thur