At North Texas AG, we’re all about you and your ministry calling. By answering this call, you step into a path that God has laid out for you, filled with potential for growth, spiritual depth, and the chance to lead others towards a closer relationship with Christ.
That's why we've streamlined the process of becoming a credentialed minister to support your journey from the start. From detailed guidance on the application process to comprehensive resources for exam preparation, we are here to empower your ministry's success.
Our team is here to make sure that every candidate receives the support needed to fulfill their God-given potential.
We can’t wait to hear from you!
Click the applicable link below to fill out the Pre-Application Form. Once we receive your completed application, a member of the NTAG Credentialing Office will be in contact with you.
Wondering if you qualify? Check out our resources to see the basic qualifications.
No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes.
The credential application and payment link will be emailed to you.
Credential application fees are as follows:
Once a completed application is received by our office, a member of the NTAG Credentialing Team will be in contact with you.
After the application, application fee, and all your reference forms have been received along with a satisfactory background check, you will schedule the credential exams with your presbyter.
Credential exams are available in English and Spanish. Inform your presbyter of your language preference.
After successful completion of the credential exams, you’ll schedule your credential interview with your presbyter.
With the recommendation of your presbyter and review of all documents by the NTAG Secretary Treasurer Office, your application will be sent to General Council for final review.
Upon approval from General Council, we’ll notify you and present you with your Assemblies of God Fellowship Card and Certificate.
Newly Certified, Licensed, and Ordained Ministers are recognized in the fall at the
LEAD One Day
event in your region. Newly Ordained Ministers are also recognized in June at our
LEAD Conference.
Explore key resources and guidelines necessary to navigate your path towards becoming a credentialed minister, all in one place.
On our resources page, you’ll find:
Never miss news, updates, and upcoming events. Each email is filled with information to help you in your ministry journey.
Subscribe to have the latest delivered straight to your inbox.
5241 FM 66 Waxahachie, TX 75167
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 838 Waxahachie,
TX 75168-0838
PHONE (817) 284-4856
FAX (817) 284-9891
HOURS 9:00AM - 4:00PM | Mon-Thur