Credentialing Information

Essential Information for Credentialed Ministers

Access all you need to know about credentialing, with resources that cover everything from initial qualifications to ongoing education and renewal.

Basic Qualifications

Frequently Asked Questions


        Testimony to having experienced the new birth (John 3:5).

    Baptism in the Holy Spirit

        Testimony to having received the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the initial physical evidence of speaking in other tongues according to Acts 2:4.

    Evidence of call

        Clear evidence of a divine call to the ministry, evidenced by a personal conviction, confirmed by the work of the Spirit and the testimony of fellow ministers.

    Christian character

        A blameless Christian life and a good report of those who are outside the Christian faith (Titus 1:7; 1 Timothy 3:7).

    Doctrinal position
    Assemblies of God polity
    Voluntary cooperation and commitment to the Fellowship

        An active loyalty to our constitutional agreements, a cooperative spirit, and a readiness to seek and receive the counsel of older mature Christians and those in positions of authority.

Credential Levels & Qualifications

Certificate of Ministry

They shall show promise of usefulness in the gospel work.  They shall devote a part of their time to Christian ministry and, at the discretion of the district credentials committees, remain under the supervision of a pastor or a designated supervisor. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age. They shall be actively engaged in some aspect of ministry except in case of ill health or advanced age.

Ministry License

Clear evidence of a divine call, a practical experience in preaching, together with an evident purpose to devote one’s time to preaching the gospel, except in case of ill health or infirmity. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age. This credential is required before advancing to Ordination.


Qualifications for Ordination are outlined in the New Testament scriptures (I Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:7-9).  They shall be persons of mature Christian experience who are qualified and able to undertake the responsibilities of the full ministry.  In addition:

  • Applicants must be twenty-three years of age or older.
  • Applicants must be a member of the North Texas AG for no less than one year prior to ordination.
  • Applicants must hold a Licensed Minister credential for at least two consecutive years prior to being Ordained.
  • If the applicant is licensed in another district, approval to proceed with ordination must be received from the former district.


There are specific education requirements for ministers at each credential level and there are multiple paths you can take to meet these requirements.

The information provided in this section should help you determine if educational requirements have been met and, if needed, help identify the best way forward to meet the requirements in the future.

Regardless of the path that you choose, we will be happy to evaluate your transcripts and let you know what courses will count towards credentials and what courses you may need to complete. Step 1 of our Steps to Apply includes a transcript evaluation.

Education Path Options

Frequently Asked Questions

    Option 1: Attend the Nelson University (formally Southwestern Assemblies of God) or other Assemblies of God University/College  

        • Certified - completion of 48 hours, must include 24 hours of Bible/theology courses.
        • Licensed - completion of 72 hours, must include 24 hours of Bible/theology courses.
        • Ordained - completion of 96 hours, must include 24 hours of Bible/theology courses.

        Nelson (formally SAGU) students: once you have completed the Bible Core courses, you are ready to apply for credentials. Submit the Credentialing Pre-App found under Step 1 of our Steps to Apply.

        Visit the SAGU Website

    Option 2: Global University, Berean School of the Bible

        This is a self-paced independent study program that provides the academic requirements for all three levels of credentials.

        If you have previously taken courses with Global University prior to 2020, to determine the courses needed to meet eligibility, submit the Credentialing Pre-App found under Step 1 of our Steps to Apply.


        • Introduction to Hermeneutics
        • Assemblies of God History, Missions, and Governance
        • A Spirit Empowered Church
        • New Testament Survey
        • Old Testament Survey
        • Christ in the Synoptic Gospels
        • Introduction to Pentecostal Doctrine
        • Introduction to Theology
        • Relationships and Ethics in Ministry
        • Beginning Ministerial Internship


        • Introduction to AG Missions
        • Effective Leadership
        • Conflict Management
        • Acts
        • Prison Epistles
        • Romans
        • Eschatology
        • The Local Church in Evangelism
        • Introduction to Homiletics
        • Intermediate Ministerial Internship


        • Pastoral Ministry
        • Preaching in the Contemporary World
        • Prayer and Worship
        • Corinthians
        • The Pentateuch
        • Church Administration, Finance, and Law
        • Poetic Books
        • Advanced Ministerial Internship

        Global University Website

    Option 3: North Texas School of Ministry

        • The North Texas School of Ministry has partnered with Global University to offer the same courses from Option 2, with the addition of an in-person once a month seminar taught by highly qualified and experienced instructors.
        • The NTSOM offers courses at multiple locations throughout the North Texas District, including a campus with courses in Spanish and a campus with courses in French.

        NTSOM Website

    Option 4: Non-Assemblies of God Education

        • If you have completed a comparable program of study at another reputable Bible school of seminary, your transcript will be evaluated against the Global University course requirements listed in Option 2 above.
        • Step 1 of the Steps to Apply includes a transcript evaluation.
        • There are 2 required courses for all applicants that attended a non-Assemblies of God school. These courses can be taken with Global University, Berean School of the Bible or with the North Texas School of Ministry. 
        • Assemblies of God History, Missions, and Governance
        • A Spirit Empowered Church
        • Additional courses may be required at the discretion of the NTAG Secretary/Treasurer’s office.

    Option 5: Pathway

        • This is a self-paced independent study program that provides the academic requirements for all three levels of credentials.
        • The program is a subscription-based app that provides the student with access to the entire catalog of courses.
        Visit Pathway Website

    Option 6: Global Church Divinity School

Marriage Status

Our Fellowship holds a very high view of marriage and the family. God established this sacred relationship at the very beginning (Genesis 2:21-25) and as Jesus reminded us “Therefore what God has joined together let not man separate” (Matthew 19:6). Paul tells us that marriage serves as a beautiful picture of the relationship between Christ and His Church (Ephesians 5:32). In articulating ministry qualifications Paul writes: “A bishop must be blameless, the husband of one wife… (1 Timothy 3:2).

We realize that in a fallen world there are times when marriage and family relationships are fractured. We believe it is possible to maintain biblical standards for ministry and marriage, while at the same time offering a compassionate response to those who are called into ministry yet have a divorce and remarriage in their personal history. It is our intention to apply biblical principles to those who have prior marriages.

Provision is made in the General Council Bylaws for the following divorce exceptions for individuals applying for credentials.

  • Pre-conversion
  • Abandonment of the Believer by the Unbeliever
  • Spousal Infidelity
  • Domestic Violence by a Spouse to a Spouse or Child
  • Ecclesiastical Annulment

If any of the above might apply to your situation, then we would be pleased to walk with you through a process to see if you qualify for credentials with the Assemblies of God.

We will treat your application with the utmost respect and confidentiality. If your situation qualifies for General Council Recognition, we will move forward to facilitate your credentialing process.

Note: Ministerial Credential applicants will be asked to provide some specifics on divorces for the applicant and the applicant’s spouse on the NTAG Pre-App forms found in Step 1 of the Steps to Apply.

Financial Responsibilities

We are a Minister Lead and Minister Supported Fellowship. We want every credentialed minister to be aware of the giving requirements that were adopted and approved by their fellow ministers.

North Texas District Ministerial Tithes

The primary support of the North Texas AG comes from our minister’s tithes. According to our NTAG Bylaws, credentialed ministers, (except senior-retired or disabled), shall support the district monthly with:

  • 55% of their tithe designated to the North Texas AG.
  • 15% of their tithe designated for their section. Locate your NTD Section ▸
  • We encourage you to give the remaining 30% to the local church.
  • Tithes are sent directly to the North Texas AG. NTAG Online Giving ▸

General Council Dues

  • Certified- $10/month or $120/year
  • Licensed- $20/month or $240/year
  • Ordained- $25/month or $300/year

General Council dues are sent by the credentialed minister directly to General Council.

Credential Renewal & Reinstatements

Credential Renewal

All ministers must renew their credentials every year. This includes those who are newly credentialed and those who have recently upgraded their credentials.

Credential Renewal Steps

  1. Pay NTAG Renewal Fee (This fee is waived for Senior-Retired or disabled ministers.)
  2. Submit Renewal Form

  • Credential Renewals season is from November 1st to December 31st.
  • Ministers must complete both steps listed above before December 31st to avoid late fees.
  • With the addition of late fees, there is a grace period that extends the deadline to January 15th.
  • After January 15th, the minister is considered lapsed and will need to follow instructions below to reinstate their credentials.

Credential Reinstatement

If your credentials have lapsed, a reinstatement application will be required. The length of time that has transpired will determine your specific steps to reinstate your credentials. To begin this process, see Steps to Apply here.

Credential Transfers

TO the North Texas Assemblies of God 
Credential transfers are initiated by the minister with the district/network where they currently hold credentials. 

FROM the North Texas Assemblies of God

The minister will need to contact the Secretariat Department and initiate the transfer. Call Diane Thompson, NTAG Credential Specialist, at 817-284-4856.

Exam Study Guides


Bible Knowledge Exam:

Use of Bible, Concordance, or notes is NOT permitted during the exam.

Doctrine Exam:

Use of Bible without Concordance or notes IS permitted during the exam.


Polity Exam:

Use of a printed paper copy of the
General Council Constitution and Bylaws (without notes) IS permitted during the exam.

*First time applicants at the Licensed level will take all exams: Bible Knowledge, Doctrine, and Polity.

*Licensed upgrade applicants will take only the Polity exam.


Most applicants will not take an exam at this level. However, there are circumstances that will require Ordained level applicants to take the exams. 

Contact us

Gregg Headley

NTAG Secretary/Treasurer
[email protected]

Diane Thompson

Credentials Specialist
[email protected]

Kathy Carver

Credentials Coaching Specialist
[email protected]

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