May 5-8, 2025

Celebrate Your Legacy. Be Refreshed.

The North Texas Legacy Camp Meeting is for our beloved 55+ community. Join us for a rejuvenating retreat of worship, connection, and equipping you in your calling to leave a legacy. Come be refreshed spiritually, physically, and emotionally as you gather with kindred spirits in an enriching atmosphere of faith, fellowship, and joyful worship.



Dr. Mike Brown is Founder and President of Strength & Wisdom Ministries and is in tremendous demand as one of the most uniquely gifted communicators in America today. More than 10,000 audiences in eight countries have attended his meetings, crusades and seminars. He has a broad spectrum of ministry experience having successfully served as a Pastor, Evangelist, Missionary Evangelist, Bible College Professor, and Special Guest on International Television and Radio Ministries. His obsession is to train you in Kingdom Laws that will move you into the strength and wisdom of God to attain His goals for your life and complete your assignment on earth. He has authored 4 Books, Expectation, Discovering the Lost Diamond of Honor, Avoiding The Snare, and his newest, 31 Pillars of Honor.


Dr. Alexander has served as the university’s Vice President for Academics (1992-2000). He also was a member of the Board of Directors of the Accrediting Association of Bible Colleges. An ordained minister with the North Texas District Council of the Assemblies of God, Dr. Alexander’s ministry has encompassed numerous roles: youth minister, music minister, seminar speaker, and evangelist. For thirteen years, Dr. Alexander was Co-Pastor of First Assembly of God in Commerce, Texas. Alexander’s ministry not only includes preaching but also ministry in song and music. Dr. Alexander and his wife, Dr. Amy Alexander, constantly travel ministering in seminars and revival services, in addition to their responsibilities...

Gregg Headley

Pastor Kendall Bridges

Kendall and Starla Bridges met in Bible College in August 1981, married in August 1982, had their first of four children in August 1983. They have two sons and two daughters, all married, beautiful and world changers. They have nine grandchildren that are the best ever! So much fun! 3 boys and 6 girls, who call them “Pops and Shoobie.” They pastor Freedom Church in Carrollton, Texas, where their mission is “helping people find freedom”. 



3:00PM | Registration and Check-in Begins

5:00PM – 6:30PM | Evening Meal

6:30PM – 8:30PM | Evening Service – Dr. Danny Alexander

“Honoring those who have served the USA and the Church” 

8:30PM – until | “Remember the Songs”


7:00AM | Men’s Prayer @ Caleb’s Chapel & Women @ DuBose Auditorium

7:30AM – 9:00AM | Breakfast 

9:30AM | Morning Service, Morning Speaker – Dr. Danny Alexander

11:30AM | Lunch

1:30PM | Afternoon Service, Speaker – Pastor Kendall Bridges

5:00PM | Evening Meal

6:30PM - 8:30PM | Evening Service – Dr. Mike Brown

“Remember the Songs” following service


7: 30AM | Breakfast

9:30AM | Morning Service/ Communion

11:30AM | Lunch

1:30PM | Afternoon Service

5:00PM | Evening Meal

6:30PM - 8:30PM | Evening Service – Dr. Mike Brown


7:30AM | Breakfast

9:00AM | Closing Service and Communion

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