October 4-5, 2024 • Trinity Church - Cedar Hill, TX

Experience The Beauty of Full-Hearted Surrender

A Personal Letter from Stacie

Stories create emotional connections, inspire us, and shape how we see and understand the world around us. Stories invite us into moments of people’s lives and capture our attention—giving us the ability to experience and feel the emotions of the writer. We connect with the characters and can cheer them on and see the good in all the things gone sideways, BUT…
Our story can be different. As the main character, our stories can be filled with disappointment, unmet expectations, sideway perspectives, and everything in between.  And our stories can be filled with chapters we would have never been written if it was up to us.  Yet, our stories are unique, they help us grow, learn who we are supposed to become, and allow life lessons that show who and what we trust.
But what if God wanted to use YOUR story to bring HIM glory? What if we surrendered the hardest chapters—the not-so-pretty, tear-stained pages—to Him?
Things shift in our hearts and minds when we recognize that God has been there all along.  Our perspective changes and it reminds us that we are a part of His story.  In our surrender, we understand that God uses our stories to help us become who He is calling us to be.  Our stories can inspire others and, most importantly, point them to Jesus.
Just think of the impact that Bloom Women could make if we decided we would use our stories for His glory.  I hope you can join us this October at Trinity Church for this year’s Bloom Retreat!  Grab your girlfriends and start planning now.  Do not miss this opportunity to connect with other women, hear stories of lives that God has redeemed for His glory and most importantly, enter into the presence of our Savior through worship, prayer and intentional altar times!
See you in October!
Love you BIG,

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