

The overall ethnic constituency of the U.S. Assemblies of God is 43% According to the 2017 All Church Ministries Report (ACMR),

  • 35% of the North Texas District’s constituency is ethnic.
  • 142 of our 614 churches self-identify as an ethnic church. this is 23% of our congregations.


  • 238 of our 1,740 active ministers self-identify as ethnic,
  • which represents 14% of our ministerial credential holders.
Purpose & Distinction

The Ethnic Section shall intentionally promote the biblical mandate of ethnic inclusion within every North Texas church; and shall focus on: care, assimilation, hospitality and ethnic engagement.

Members of the Ethnic section shall be encouraged to continue to fellowship, cooperate with, and be faithful to both the Ethnic section and the geographic Section wherein they reside and minister; understanding that the geographic Section shall retain primary jurisdiction for matters occurring within that geographic section such as credentialing and discipline.

Ways to Connect

pastors cohort
march 2022

This intensive experience is designed to equip, engage, and empower multicultural pastors within our District. The cohort will strengthen pastors while simultaneously strengthening their church. It is a unique opportunity to strategically invest in yourself as a pastor, connect with other like-minded leaders and be resourced with some incredible resources. This is a relational journey of a year-long that includes six meetings in twelve months. Cohort will begin in March 2022. Spaces are limited.


Care Ministry

At the heart of the multicultural network our desire is for every credentialed minister and pastor to feel loved, supported, and not alone. Because of that we want to support you and connect with you in every season. Let’s do this together. As we are all so spread out geographically, we want to maximize the opportunities technology offers us. Our Visit our Facebook page. Please friend us and keep us posted with your prayer needs and share your celebratory moments.


Opportunities to Serve

If you are interested in expanding the vision of this network join the team! We have just listed a few of the meaningful initiatives that will allow us to serve together, grow together, and connect together. For more information email John Cruz at [email protected]

Contact Us

John Cruz
Relational Section Presbyter