ENGAGE 2016 // Report

“Strong is what happens, when you run out of weak”

Our Annual 2016 Men’s Conference “Engage” was a great success! There were several men saved on Thursday night as Sting shared how he had been transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. We also had men filled with The Holy Spirit on Friday night after being challenged by Pastor Bryan Jarrett. After service on Friday night there were approximately 25 men that had such a life changing experience that we Water Baptized them in horse troughs! Saturday morning, Pastor Scott Wilson challenged us to “Pull the weeds and Plant good seeds”!  Many men testified of how their lives were impacted during each of these services and also the powerful breakouts.

I’d like to say a big thank you to our reps and volunteers for being such a great team. I love and appreciate each of you guys for all the hard work. Our number one rock star this year has to be our Assistant Men’s Director Mike Pettitt. Thanks Mike for the competitions and the events including the CRAZY AMAZING American Ninja Warrior course you built!


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Bryan Jarrett
Scott Wilson
Robert Kennedy