Since 1916, North Texas AG has supported ministry leaders. And here, we’re all about you and your calling.
Since 1916, North Texas AG has supported ministry leaders. And here, we’re all about you and your calling.
Serving is an extraordinary privilege, but also a demanding journey. The early mornings, late nights, tough conversations, sacrifices – we get it. Whether you're exploring your calling or have years of experience, the path isn't easy.
But you don't have to walk it alone. When you join our network, you join a community of over 1700 fellow ministers and 500 churches who are in your corner, along with supportive events, connections, and resources.
You’re here to make an impact. And we’re here to help you each step of the way.
Click below to meet the leadership team that’s dedicated to seeing you thrive.
Ministry requires courage, faith, and dedication. It's a journey filled with profound purpose but also unique challenges. That’s why our team is committed to you and your success, providing spiritual covering and practical support along the way.
Not sure? If you’re figuring out whether you’re called into ministry, we're here to help you discern that and take each next step with confidence.
All in? Apply now to become a credentialed minister of North Texas AG. Our team will guide you through the process.
Join us for LEAD Conference 2025 at Trinity Church, Cedar Hill. This is your catalyst for change.
Click the button below for other upcoming conferences, and gatherings – all designed to help you grow, connect with others, and find spiritual renewal.
Never miss news, updates, and upcoming events. Each email is filled with information to help you in your ministry journey.
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5241 FM 66 Waxahachie, TX 75167
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 838 Waxahachie,
TX 75168-0838
PHONE (817) 284-4856
FAX (817) 284-9891
HOURS 9:00AM - 4:00PM | Mon-Thur